Viewers flip through the pages of an artist’s notebook transformed into wall-sized projected images.

Created by
Isabella Stefanescu (Artistic director)
Nick Storring (Composer & interface programmer)
Rob Gorbet (Interface designer)
Nathan Saliwonchyk (animator and videographer)

“The artist’s notebook can be viewed as a tool of creation while it is being used: or as a place, very similar to a studio, for thinking, musing and doodling.” – Isabella Stefanescu

The Notebook Project began in Isabella Stefanescu’s studio during a discussion with KW|AG curator Allan MacKay regarding the content and significance of notebooks to an artist’s practice. From these initial musings a collaborative project was born under the artistic direction of Isabella Stefanescu. This collaborative image, sound and interactive project creates a public context for the private mark-making and notations of an artist and provides a window into the artistic process.

An image-sound-viewer interface was developed that allows the notebook to become an architectural space. The narrative sequence and sound are controlled and influenced by the viewer. The notebook page becomes a wall and the sense of touch is replaced by the self-awareness of the viewer’s presence in architectural space.


2012 Woodstock Art Gallery
2011 Common Pulse Festival, Durham Art Gallery
2011 Vernacular Landscapes, Homer Watson House & Gallery, Kitchener
2007 University of Waterloo
2007 K.M. Hunter Artist Award for Interdisciplinary Art to Isabella Stefanescu
2006 Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery